Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weekend Shenanigans

The duck hunt was a success, or at least in my opinion it was. The guys shot 27 ducks (that is a lot, right?).

Kade, Tory, Andy, and I went to the West Texas A&M vs. ASU football game in Canyon Saturday afternoon. ASU is my alma mater, and Andy's uncle coaches at WT. Who is a girl to cheer for? Where do the loyalties lie? I decided that blood is thicker than water and cheered for the Buffs. I must be good luck, since WT won easily.

We went to church on Sunday morning, then I did homework the rest of the day. Grad school involves a lot of homework. I am getting pretty tired of it.

On Monday, Andy was super-husband, while I was doing homework again. He cooked dinner, vaccuumed, and even cleaned out the fireplace. I have been encouraging (nagging) him to clean the ashes out since last winter. The fireplace had two huge grocery bags full of ashes. This is my first fireplace to have, so I'm not savvy about all of the rules, but I am pretty sure our ash pile was a huge fire hazard.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Beer and Wine, and Hunting, OH MY!

Well it's a Friday night in Floydada, and the town is hoppin'. I think Dairy Queen closes late, Allsups is open even later, and that is about it. Ok, I neglected to mention that Floydada is home to the one and only Boston Terrier museum. (At least I HOPE it is the one and only.)

Andy's best friend, Tory, and cousin, Kade, are spending the night so they can wake up at the butt-crack-of-dawn and go duck hunting. A group of about ten men are going duck hunting. If the hunt is successful, Andy said, "We will let the duck sit in the freezer a year, then throw them away. Duck is nasty."

Oh boy, a freezer full of duck. How did a girl get so lucky? If anyone wants Tur-duck-tin for Thanksgiving, give us a call. We'll supply the duck, you supply the turkey and chicken.

Besides the display of men being men tomorrow, err, I mean hunting, not much is  going on in F-dada.

I subbed for Samantha this morning.  I told her students, "Miss Lee is my sister."
One boy replied, "No, way, I thought you were Miss Lee's sister!!!"

 "I am, she is my sister, I am her sister, we have the same parents." What a hard concept for a 5th grader to grasp; our future is in good hands.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


This is our first post (obviously). We are just breaking into the blog world. Everyone that's cool blogs, and we want to be cool. We've tried wearing sunglasses, even at night, but it didn't launch us into the cool status we were aiming for. So, alas, we are bloggers. We vow to write about all of our meaningless, daily tasks, that keep you coming back for more. Yeah, you'll be wasting your time, but it is so darn addicting.

All of the cool blogs have great photographs, so I guess Andy and I should get a new camera, or at the very least "borrow" pictures from the internet. I have a sneaky feeling that everyone also has a new MacBook Pro, we definitely should get one too (I am not sure Andy agrees).